Gathering great minds
since 2009

We make business and technology more human.
By being human.
We are a team of experienced professionals who love to guide clients on their journeys to better market positions, design processes, brand strategies or tech stacks. Join us.
Our values
- G
We never stop evolving, just like our products. We understand that the greatest achievements never come from being passive, but with systematic growth of each individual, client and the team and by trying and failing.
- R
We don't guess, we test. Our work is contradictory to bullshit. If we claim something, it’s based on a credible source. We understand that people’s behaviour is too unpredictable for us to claim we have all the answers.
- E
The first stage of (not just design) thinking. Behind every customer’s, client’s or colleague’s action there is a motive. We always look at the situation from our partner’s perspective to better respond to their needs.
- A
We design what we live with. We love our job because we believe we have a real impact on the world by creating real, valuable products that help people in their lives. This passion is an inevitable part of our design process.
- T
The greatest source of truth is truth itself. We are honest with people even if we fail and openly take responsibility for what we do. Transparency eliminates confusion and builds trust.
Beetle juice

Wanna become a Beetle?
We don’t have any job openings now, but we are constantly looking for talent.
Send your CVMeet us in person

Video: Lighting Talks* on Impactful Services
Anton Schubert (EY Doberman) and Michal Blažej (Lighting Beetle*) reveal strategies for creating products and services that resonate with new as well as loyal customers.