Case study

Optimizing the customer experience in the e-shop

The new DNA ERA website helps people understand their bodies

The new DNA ERA website helps people understand their bodies

In short

  • Product Design
  • Healthcare
  • Web
  • Brand

About the project

You wouldn't find two identical pieces in the whole world. It is unique, inimitable, it has a special structure and codes original information. These words can describe both human DNA and a quality website. During the cooperation with DNA ERA, we identified that unique DNA is what the client's website lacks the most.

DNA ERA is a startup providing direct genetic DNA analysis from a customer's saliva sample and a subsequent interpretation of the data. The customer obtains information about their health and nutritional predispositions, as well as their sports potential in the form of a clear report.

The current customer base of DNA ERA represents a specific group of people who tend to consider their healthy or active lifestyle from a long-term perspective, or whose interest is driven by eagerness and a fascination with science. Although the report is useful for anybody, reaching a broader audience has been challenging for the client.


Most people don't address their health in advance, they just react to circumstances. However, the biggest value of DNA analysis is in the long-term opportunities for proactive action. How might we address broader audience through a digital channel?


Discover what lies behind the product value and bring this essence to a brand new, modern and emotionally appealing website. Show that at any point of their life, anybody can benefit from a DNA analysis both from short- and long-term perspectives.

Quote icon

"The LB* team guided us through the whole process: from wireframing through dialogs with existing customers to UX and final designs. We were part of all these steps. We were part of the LB* team. And we enjoyed the process."

Dominik Illek

Dominik Illek

Chief Marketing Officer DNA ERA

Kickoff workshop —
Design challenge

Understanding the barriers

Many people are interested in optimizing their lifestyle, but hesitate to make the purchase. To identify the key doubts, we examined the potential customer groups through user research.

Journey mapping —
Customer insights

Key learnings icon

Taking care of one's own health and learning about hereditary predispositions are the biggest motivations for purchasing DNA ERA.

Key learnings icon

Potential customers seem to hesitate about the price, and misunderstanding the product value is the greatest barrier.

Key learnings icon

Older people are skeptical about the purchase, believing it's too late to make changes in their lifestyle.

Concepting —
Brand & emotionality

Discovery over purchase

Knowing your DNA potential can help you make informed health decisions at any stage of your life. Our concept of chromosome timeline illustrating key life moments emphasizes this product benefit and got a prime position on the website, before the product selection.


Prototyping —
Navigation & user flow


Visual design —
Photos & illustrations

Inclusion through colors

Statistics and scientific terminology won't spark an emotion, but a strong visual language can. We addressed inclusivity and availability with photos and illustrations, without needing to undertake a rebrand.


Development —
Final touch & release


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Service Lead for Digital Product Design
Marek Hrabovský

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