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Minimum Viable Podcast
MVP offers insights into design, which allows you to make things easier in everyday life. Michal Blažej, experienced in business strategy, and his guests debate and discuss different topics.
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Minimum Viable Podcast #29: Future of pharmacy
Jana Kutlíková from Dr. Max: "We are the first point of contact in illness."

Minimum Viable Podcast #28: Business design
Alžbeta Ivanovičová from Lighting Beetle*: "Business design helps build a competitive edge."

Minimum Viable Podcast #27: Creating better cities
Slavo Oslej from Bratislava City: "Service design is not just about experience but also about efficiency."

Minimum Viable Podcast #26: Innovations in retail
Lukáš Němčík from COOP Group: "Thanks to click & collect, we create village hypermarkets."

Minimum Viable Podcast #24: From designer to investor
Michal Šimkovič alias Musho: “I've never put a box around what is my job and what isn't. I do whatever is needed. There's no such thing as a small task."

Minimum Viable Podcast #23: CX in logistics
Alexander Jančo from Packeta: "Everyone claims to be customer-oriented, but that isn't enough for me. We want to be customer-obsessed."

Minimum Viable Podcast #22: Future Thinking
Lucia Ciranová from the Government Office of the Slovak Republic: "When you’re working on something that should be innovative in 2 years, you have to think 15 years ahead"

Minimum Viable Podcast #21: CX in banking
Petr Šmíd from Air Bank: "We don't particularly love NPS, but it quite well expresses the relationship with customers."

Minimum Viable Podcast #20: CX in small organizations
Lucia Čišková from Business Lease: "CX is about creating emotions throughout the customer journey."

Minimum Viable Podcast #19: Customer Experience Maturity
"The level of CX in Slovak organisations has caught up with the global standards over the past year." says Juraj Blichar, Head of Production in Lighting Beetle*