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Minimum Viable Podcast #29: Future of pharmacy
Jana Kutlíková from Dr. Max: "We are the first point of contact in illness."

Three case studies on omnichannel consistency
Omnichannel customer experience isn’t just about a brand's presence on multiple platforms—it’s about integrating them into one seamless whole. Yet, most brands fail to grasp this concept.

In the sea of product ideas, how to recognize the most beneficial ones?
Validating an idea before sending it into production seems like common sense. However, many companies forget which aspect of the idea or hypothesis they are actually verifying.

Minimum Viable Podcast #28: Business design
Alžbeta Ivanovičová from Lighting Beetle*: "Business design helps build a competitive edge."

The new reality shapes how consumers perceive brands. How to stay relevant?
The way people build relationships with brands has dramatically changed over the past five years. Yet, not all brands are keeping up. Our framework Experience identities offers a solution.

Experience identities: How to react to the new consumer expectations
Download our report revealing the new consumer funnel and find out how to redefine your brand's position on the market through the Experience Identities framework.

Minimum Viable Podcast #27: Creating better cities
Slavo Oslej from Bratislava City: "Service design is not just about experience but also about efficiency."

Offboarding: How to end your customer’s journey meaningfully
In today's world, businesses focus on glamorous onboardings but neglect proper endings. The concept of "endineering" explains why offboarding should be equally engaging.

5 principles of service design for easier service creation
Improving existing and creating new services is a natural progress in any company's growth. The process becomes easier when you apply the 5 principles of service design into practice.

Minimum Viable Podcast #26: Innovations in retail
Lukáš Němčík from COOP Group: "Thanks to click & collect, we create village hypermarkets."